Generation of EWB
1. GENERATE EWB API is used to generate ewb.
3. As per new changes on date 23 April
i. The distance between two locations is automatically calculated based on fromPincode and toPincode, with a grace of 10% extra distance, otherwise appropriate error is responded without generating the E-waybill. If the distance provided is less than the distance in the database then, E-waybill will be generated without any alert message.
ii. If the distance between the two pin-codes provided is not available in our database, E-waybill will be generated with an alert message as "The distance between the given pincodes are not available in the system ." and its a responsibility of the generator to provide correct distance in such cases.
iii. If fromPincode and toPincode are same then, maximum distance allowed is 100 km.
iv. Generation of duplicate E-waybills for the same document by Consignee and Transporter is not allowed hence forth, hence now onwards neither Consignor nor Consignee nor Transporter can generate duplicate E-waybills for the same document.
For More Detail -
Enhancement To Get The Distance Between FromPinCode To ToPinCode
If the given distance between fromPinCode & toPinCode is high than the actual distance. Then you will get
following responce
Decrypted URL Users
"status_cd": "0",
"error": {
"error_cd": "702,",
"message": "{\"fromPinCode\":\"450001\",\"toPinCode\":\"450051\",\"distance\":36}"
you can Deserialize message to RespInfoPl class
RespInfoPl respInfoPl = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RespInfoPl>(message);
Library Users
Library user will get "{\"fromPinCode\":\"450001\",\"toPinCode\":\"450051\",\"distance\":36}" in TxnResp.RespObj.alert
& 702 error code in TxnResp.TxnOutcome
if (TxnResp.TxnOutcome.Contains("702"))
RespInfoPl respInfoPl = new RespInfoPl();
respInfoPl = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RespInfoPl>(TxnResp.RespObj.alert);
//You can retrive respInfoPl attributes here
ewbGen.transDistance = respInfoPl.distance;
//Call GenEWB API again
TxnResp = await EWBAPI.GenEWBAsync(EwbSession, ewbGen);
if (TxnResp.IsSuccess)
rtbResponce.Text = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(TxnResp.RespObj);
rtbResponce.Text = TxnResp.TxnOutcome;
public class RespInfoPl
public string fromPincode { get; set; }
public string toPincode { get; set; }
public string distance { get; set; }