e-Way Bill API
User Guide
  • Extend Validity of eWay Bill

Extend Validity of eWay Bill

1. EXTEND VALIDITY API is used to extend the validity of generated ewb.
2. Rules to extend validity is given in NIC API INTIGRATION GUIDE https://help.taxprogsp.co.in/ewb/EWB_API_14May2018.docx
3. As per new changes on date 23 April
  i. To distinguish between the goods either on Road or in transit, new parameter transitType ( R- Road, W - Warehouse, O-Others)  are introduced for Extend E-waybill API.
If transmode  is 1 to 4 then consignmentStatus value should be and transitType  should be blank ("transitType":"").
if transmode is 5 then consignmentStatus value should be and transitType value can be either R or W or O.
 As per below change by NIC on date 16 July 2019
 Extend Validity API returns the pin-code details in the info field similar to Generate Ewb API, if error code is 702(distance given is more).
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