e-Way Bill API
User Guide
  • eWay Bill Access Token Api

eWay Bill Access Token Api

1. Access Token  API is used to generate Auth Token To initiate session between Applicaition EWB User& NIC
2. Once generateed, AuthToken will be valid for next six hour.
3. If libraries (.NET or JAVA) provided by TaxProGSP is being used, after generation of AuthToken, Api Login Details will have new expiary time of the AuthToken (by adding 360 minutes to your system DateTime.)  Client just need to store responce (EWBApiLoginDetail will contain expiry time) returned after call to AuthToken method.  Library also takes care of checking AuthToken validity before calling every API and getting new AuthToken if not valid AuthToken is present.
4. If decrypted API is being used, your application should write code to calculate expiary time (by adding 360 minutes) and store the same and check it before calling every API.
5. Any attempts to re-authenticate during this period (within 6 hour) will get same AuthToken.
6. NIC decided to allow 5 hits to ACCESSTOKEN API within period of 15 min. that is the access will be blocked after 5 hits within 15 min and will be allowed after 15 min of first access.
7. You are requested to regulate the hits to the ACCESSTOKEN API.