E Way Bills can be generated only if the status of the Supplier GSTNs is 'Active'. E Way Bill cannot be generated if the status of Supplier GSTINs is 'Suspended' or ‘Provisional’ or ‘Inactive’ or ‘Cancelled’. However, E Way Bill can be generated if the Recipient GSTIN is 'Active' or 'Suspended' but not 'Provisional' or 'Inactive' or 'Cancelled'
If the GSTIN is blocked for non filing of GSTR3B / CMP08, the GSTIN can not generate E Way Bills as a supplier, however E Way Bills can be generated when the respective GSTIN is of the recipient or the transporter
Authentication: New authentication API has been released with end point as The request payload has been changed, complete payload needs to be encrypted using the public key.
Generation of E Way Bill: Following validations have been added / updated
There should be at least one item with HSN code (goods). E Way Bill cannot be generated with documents having only SAC code (services)
PIN code 999999 is allowed for state code 97 (Other territory)
If the ‘TransMode’ is ‘4’ (Ship), then ‘VehicleType’ can be ‘O’ (ODC) and Vehicle Number has to be provided
Get E Way Bills for transportation: New API has been provided for transporters to download the E Way Bills assigned to them by passing their state code and date of assignment of E Way Bill.
Multi-Vehicle Initialize: UQC Code while Initializing multi-vehicle movement UQC value is not validating against the UQC provided while generating E-waybill
Changes in 1.03 Version (dtd:30.12.2020)
As per the notification dated 22 December 2020, No. 94 /2020. the validity period of e-waybill is changed from 100 KM per day to 200 KM per day.
Changes in 1.03 Version (dtd:21.11.2020))
E Way Bill generation directly through the E Way Bill System is blocked for those GSTINs who is eligible for e Invoicing and document date is later than 1st Oct. 2020 , Transaction types are
B2B or Export and document type is "INV"
E Way Bill can be generated for cancelled other party GSTIN provided the GSTIN was active at the time of the date specified in the document date
If the PIN Code does not exist in the master database of the E Way Bill System and the first 3 digits of the PIN code matches with the respective State as per the pattern of PIN code-to-State mapping pattern defined by postal department, then E Way Bill gets generated
While generating E Way Bill, distance can be set as ‘0’ (Zero) which indicates that the system should put the appropriate distance between the PIN codes provided
If the distance is passed, it should be between the distance available in E Way Bill system ±10%
If the actual distance between the two PIN codes is less than 100, the distance provided can be up to the actual distance plus 10%.
Changes in 1.03 Version (dtd:03.12.2019)
i) Blocking / Unblocking:
E-waybill generation facility is blocked for a consignor or consignee and transporter, with respect to those GSTIN who have not filed GSTR 3B return for last two consecutive months
Once the taxpayers filed their returns,the system shall automaticaly update the status in the portal on next day
In case taxpayers who have filed the Returns, but system shows as not filed, then they may update the status by clicking on
the following link : https://ewaybillgst.gov.in --> Search --> ‘Update Block Status’.
Changes in 1.03 Version (dtd:23.04.2019)
ii) Generation of E-waybill:
The distance between two locations is automatically calculated based on fromPincode and toPincode, with a grace of 10% extra distance, otherwise appropriate error is responded without generating the E-waybill. If the distance provided is less than the distance in the database then, E-waybill will be generated without any alert message.
If the distance between the two pin-codes provided is not available in our database, E-waybill will be generated with an alert message as "The distance between the given pincodes are not available in the system ." and its a responsibility of the generator to provide correct distance in such cases.
If fromPincode and toPincode are same then, maximum distance allowed is 100 km.
Generation of duplicate E-waybills for the same document by Consignee and Transporter is not allowed hence forth, hence now onwards neither Consignor nor Consignee nor Transporter can generate duplicate E-waybills for the same document.
iii) Extend Validity API:
To distinguish between the goods either on Road or in transit, new parameter transitType ( R- Road, W - Warehouse, O-Others) are introduced for Extend E-waybill API.
If transmode is 1 to 4 then consignmentStatus value should be M and transitType should be blank ("transitType":"").
If transmode is 5 then consignmentStatus value should be T and transitType value can be either R or W or O.
Changes in 1.03 Version (dtd:24.09.2018)
Tax rates are being validated. Only the standard tax rates will be accepted (Please refer to STD Tax Rates).
Document type is validated against the supply and sub supply type. Accordingly the type of Consigner and Consignee is allowed. (Please refer to the Supply Type-Doc Type Mapping for the mapping of the supply, sub-supply and document types).
The system checks for the duplicate e-way bill on the same document number of the consignor. If already one e-way bill exists with same document number, the system will not allow generating one more e-way bill on the same number. That is, if the consignor is trying to generate multiple e-way bills based on one document number, the system throws error. However, if consignee or transporter tries to generate the multiple e-way bills on the same document number of the consignor, the system will generate and alert through API to the consignee or transporter that already there is one e-way bill with that document number.
To identify the type of movement of goods, type of transaction is being captured.
Passing transporterId is mandatory for generating Part A Slip, and transDocNo, transMode and vehicleNo should be blank.
Get E Way Bill Response will have additional parameter transactionType indicating the Transaction type.
GSTR1 related data parameters are being made mandatory while generating the e-way bill.
Master codes list updated.
API Error code list updated.
Changes in Version 1.02.01 (Dated 10.05.2018)
Some changes in the request and response JSONs, some data structure items and schema are updated in the document to sync. with the application.
Changes in this Version (1.02 dtd:27.04.2018)
Incorporation of new features in e-way bill generation
New API to update transporter ID
New API to extend validity
New API to regenerate consolidated E Way Bill API
New API to get details of GSTIN for a given GSTIN
New API to get enrolled transporter’s details for given Transin
New API to get HSN details for a given HSN code
Master codes list updated
API Error code list updated
Validations are provided for each of the APIs
Changes in this Version (1.01)
The ‘Generate e-way bill’ and ‘update Vehicle Number’ APIs respond with the additional information of Validity of the e-way bill.
The additional information ‘Vehicle Type’ (Regular -R or Over Dimensional Cargo-O) needs to be passed in ‘Generate e-way bill’ API.
The Get APIs (except Get Cons. EWB) will have additional columns
Valid Upto – Validity of the e-way bill
Reject Status – Y in case other party has rejected the e-way bill
Extended times – No of times the e–way bill has got the extension
delPlace – Delivery Place of the e-way bill
Status – whether e-way bill is Active (ACT) or Cancelled (CNL)
Schema for the JSON data has been provided
Valid Upto – Validity of the e-way bill
Sample .NET CODE for Encryption and Decryption functions have been provided
Sample Java Code for Encryption and Decryption functions have been provided
Changed Master codes for Unit Quantity Code, State Code, and Document Type have been provided. They match with the GSTN Codes.