PrintEWB(EwbSession, ewbDetails,"") This function invokes API call to provide .pdf file to print e-Way Bill.
parameter ewbDetail is the responce object of GetEwayBillDetail Api
Below is the provided code snipet on button click
private async void btnPrintEwb_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
long EwbNo = ************;
TxnRespWithObj<RespGetEWBDetail> TxnResp = await EWBAPI.GetEWBDetailAsync(EwbSession, EwbNo);
if(TxnResp.IsSuccess == true)
var ewbDetails = TxnResp.RespObj;
//string pdfFolderPath = @"MyeWaybillDoc\";
EWBAPI.PrintEWB(EwbSession, TxnResp.RespObj, "", true, true);